Is it worth transferring production reports to the production floor and to production workers?
In many organizations, as part of the natural development of the information systems, throughout the organization, and in all its offices, the employees work and report directly to the information system. Many times, this is not the case on the production floor, where pages are printed, and the production employees report their work on paper.
- Because production workers are trusted less
- Because not everyone knows Hebrew/English
The result?
- Reports are completed late, inventory and reports are not updated in real-time
- Errors – the production workers report the page, someone reports it from there to a computer, the paper is lost…
There are alternatives. You will be surprised to find out that production workers know how to report their work well – yes, even if they know the software language.
Employee reporting screens should be easy, simple and clear.
Then, the reports are online, the inventory is updated, the planned delivery dates are updated… it all works!
Reports from the Production Floor