Third Tip for COVID Days

Third Tip for COVID Days – Handling the List of Defects in the Existing System

In this video I explain how to prepare a list of defects in your information system. The goal is to clearly map what you would like your information system to include.

How do we take advantage of the COVID crisis to improve information systems?

Today I will talk about handling the list of defects in the information system. In this video we examine the possibility of improving the existing system.

We will examine whether the existing system can give us a solution to the defects.

So what do we do?

We prepared a list of the defects in an Excel sheet in the previous video.

I recommend adding an explanation column – what we would like the system to do.
For example: we have defined the issue of payment collection as a defect, so we will add a few more words to it.

We would want, subject to the customer’s payment conditions, an automatic reminder message to be sent to them. After a week we will have a payment report by customer that shows the number of days of delay.

We would also like each payment collection officer to receive the payment collection report once a month with the list of their customers.

Let’s go back to our defect Excel sheet:

  • We made a list of defects
  • We added an explanation to each defect

For each defect, we would like to know:

  • Can it be solved in the existing system?
  • How much does it cost?

We will send the list to the implementation company/two different implementation companies – it is better to contact a company that we already work with and that provides us support, and it is possible (and also desirable) to also contact another implementation company…

We will ask them to complete the Excel sheet, and to let us know if there is a possible solution with the existing system and the cost.

Have you already asked about this before? I believe you, but the attitude of an implementation company will be different if they receive an organized list.

Software develops with time and issues that didn’t have a solution a year ago might have one today.

Your implementation company may not have a solution, but another implementation company may have a creative solution.

Enter the answers of the implementation companies into the Excel sheet, so that you can compare their answers.
You may find that with a small financial investment, you can take care of most of the defects.

Did you finish the examination? If you are satisfied with the answers, contact the provider and start the implementation process.

Not satisfied with the answers? Want to explore more alternatives?
In the next video I will talk about finding an external solution to a specific issue that is bothering us.

Did you start the process alone and come to the conclusion that you need help to continue the process?

Contact us by clicking the link below
There is no better time than to act right now, during the COVID days

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